Monday, October 20, 2014

Donation Link

Click on the link below to donate to the Underwater Robotics Club online:
Underwater Robotics Foundation
Please make sure you put Underwater Robotics in the line PURPOSE of DONATION field on the last page before you push submit. Thanks for your support!

What is Underwater Robotics?

Underwater Robotics is an after school club where students work in small groups to build a ROV (underwater robot) out of PVC and other household materials.  Students will then be given the opportunity to  modify and improve their ROVs in preparation for the state competition. We will meet once a week on Wednesdays from 2:15-3:30 in Ms. Damarjian's room 220.  The program will run from October 22-April when we will compete in the state competition that is sponsored by BYU.
This program is free for students, but donations are encouraged and appreciated.  A $5 donation would go towards miscellaneous supplies and after school snacks.  However, this is a donation and is NOT required to participate.  If you are able to make a donation please pay the financial office and designate your payment as a donation to the "underwater robotics" or use the link in the post above to pay online.

Please read over the attached letter and indicate whether you give consent for your student to take the survey.   Please return the signed consent form by October 31st.

Please feel free to email me, Jenny Damarjian at if you have any additional questions or concerns.  Also check out our blog for more information.

Jenny Damarjian

Additional Info:
BYU Underwater Robotics website
Official SeaPerch website

Underwater Robotics Survey

Parent consent letter:

Student Survey: